Forensic Case Management (FCM) is a short-term Case Management service designed to link, monitor, and coordinate resources to support community tenure for individuals in the justice system with a mental health and co-occurring diagnosis.

The role of the Forensic Case Manager is to link, monitor, and coordinate the development of personalized resources for individuals to facilitate engagement in personal recovery to avoid further arrest and reduce recidivism.

Services are delivered in the home and community in McKean County. The frequency of contact is determined on a needs base.

Objectives of Services

  • Provide a short-term Case Management service to the Forensic population of McKean County.
  • Case management services are provided to individuals who possess a primary mental health diagnosis and a substance use disorder.
  • The role of the FCM is to link, monitor, and coordinate the development of personalized resources for individuals to facilitate engagement in personal recovery to avoid further arrest, and reduce recidivism.

Areas of Focus:

  • Build relationships with mental health providers and the courts to ensure a smooth community transition for individuals served.
  • Plan collaboration meetings with local jail personnel.
  • Develop treatment plans that contain well-researched and individualized goals and interventions.
  • Meet and communicate regularly with the court, probation, mental health agencies, Public Defenders, and other identified correctional staff to facilitate the adoption of realistic safe transition community plans.
  • Understand and track the status of the adjudication process of those with mental health and co-occurring disorders.
  • Act as a liaison with State Correctional Facilities.
  • Service as a liaison with the Long-Term Structured Facility (LTSR).
  • Provide coordination services for re-entry community plans from the LTSR.
  • Work in tandem with other community agencies to ensure the needs and resources are being accessed for individuals being served.
  • Screen/refer individuals for various services and determine eligibility for available resources.
  • Coordinate identified public entitlements.