The Guidance Center’s Big Brothers Big Sisters Program would like to recognize Big Sister Kathy Kennedy and Little Sister Abby Vogt who recently celebrated their seven-year match anniversary.
Kathy shared how tiny Abby was when they were first matched. When asked what they like best about their match, Kathy stated “The privilege of having a relationship with Abby” adding it is time well spent. Abby added, “The best thing is being with her.” Kathy commented that they are not family, they are together because they want to be.
The match shared how they always have fun, like working on scrapbooks and photo albums, going swimming, bike riding, creating their own cooking binders or visiting places like Kinzua Bridge. The match has also been involved in community service projects and recently participated in filling shoeboxes to be distributed to those in need. All things they were still able to accomplish this past year even with the pandemic.
Kathy noted it has been a pleasure being in her life and described how her relationship with Abby went from Kathy being a Big Sister through the program to being Abby’s friend. If you would like to learn more about becoming a friend and volunteering for Big Brothers Big Sisters call toll free 1-877-776-1636.
12 children in Elk County are in need of a volunteer mentor. Contact us today to learn about program options and how you can make a difference.
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