Crisis services are intended to provide screening, problem resolution and referrals before situations escalate to an emergency or other higher level of intensity and service.

  • Services are flexible.
  • Services are available whenever they are needed and for as long as they are needed.
  • Services are provided in a variety of ways and consider the uniqueness of an individuals and circumstances.
  • Services focus on strengths of consumers in order to help them maintain a sense of identity, dignity, and self esteem.
  • Services are responsive to the needs of the client rather than the needs of the system.
  • Services incorporate consumer self-help approaches and are provided in a manner that allows clients to retain the greatest possible control over their own lives.
  • Services are racially and culturally appropriate.
  • Services will meet special needs of individuals

All programs of Mental Health Crisis Services will use the following steps as guidelines in the provision of services:

  • Assess Lethality and/or dangerousness
  • Establish rapport/open communication
  • Identify problems/concerns
  • Explore alternatives which address concerns and feelings
  • Develop intentions/action plan/assist with motivation
  • Establish follow-up as accepted by consumer